L'execution des decisions prud'homales
Abstract EN:
The enforcement of an industrial tribunal's decisions follows the general principle of enforcement. Thus, the acquisition of executory force can allow the implementation of this execution. And this executory force necessitates the respect of certain conditions : notification, absence of suspensive effect and period of grace awarded to the debtor. In the light of the often "maintenance" aspect of the sums due, many decisions are accompanied with provisional execution as of right, which enables a departure from the suspensive effect of an appeal. But there exists a certain confusion with a prescribed provisional execution which derives from the judge's dicretionary power and which therefore must give the debtor serious protection. This confusion constitutes a first source of difficulties. As for the notification, the exercise of an appeal or the granting of a period of grace, their conditions of application often constitute a second source of difficulties. The implementation of the execution of an industrial tribunal's decision raises above all the problem of a lack of specific rules. Despite the important efforts of simplification brought about by the law of july 9th 1991, the procedures of execution are not sufficiently adapted. When, on the contrary, the original systems have been adapted, they operate relatively well. This is the case for "ags" which exist only in bankruptcy or compulsory liquidation. On the other hand, reinstatement after the annulment of a redundancy is a sanction that is henceforth well accepted by judges. But it can be effective only if the decision ordering it has been come to rapidly.
Abstract FR:
L'execution des decisions prud'homales obeit au regime de l'execution en general. Ainsi, seule l'acquisition de la force executoire peut permettre la mise en oeuvre de l'execution. Et cette force executoire necessite le respect de certaines conditions : la notification, l'absence d'effet suspensif et de delai de grace accorde au debiteur. Compte tenu du caractere souvent alimentaire des sommes dues, beaucoup de decisions sont assorties de l'execution provisoire de droit, ce qui permet de deroger a l'effet suspensif de l'appel. Mais il existe une certaine confusion avec l'execution provisoire ordonnee qui decoule du pouvoir discretionnaire des juges et qui de ce fait doit offrir de serieuses protections au debiteur. Cette confusion constitue une premiere source de difficultes. Quant a la notification, l'exercice d'une voie de recours ou l'octroi d'un delai de grace, leurs conditions d'applications constituent souvent une seconde source de difficultes. La mise en oeuvre de l'execution des decisions prud'homales pose surtout le probleme du manque de regles specifiques. Malgre les efforts importants de simplification operes par la loi du 9 juillet 1991, les procedures d'execution ne sont pas suffisamment adaptees. Lorsqu'au contraire des systemes originaux ont ete adoptes, ils fonctionnent relativement bien. C'est le cas des a. G. S. Qui n'existe qu'en matiere de redressement ou de liquidation judiciaire. En revanche, la reintegration a la suite d'un licenciement nul est une sanction desormais bien acceptee par les juges. Mais elle ne peut etre effective que si la decision l'ordonnant a ete prise rapidement.