La caisse commune des pensions de l'ONU
Paris 11Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The activities of the united nations joint pension fund, created by a resolution of the general assembly, take place in a coherent system with an aim : the management of the staff pension system of the organizations admitteds to membership in the fund. This is supported by a co0ordinated administrative action the success of wich results from the structures of the fund suited to the united nations system that has more than one center. Its ability to come up to the social and economic context requirements put the united nations pension system among the best in the world.
Abstract FR:
Creee par une resolution de l'assemblee generale, la caisse commune des pensions de l'onu agit dans un systeme coherent avec pour mission de gerer le regime des pensions des fonctionnaires des organisations membres. Cette mission est soutenue par une action administrative coordonnee dont le succes decoule de l'adaptation des structure de la caisse a la nature polycentrique du systeme des nations-unies. Sa capacite a repondre aux exigences du contexte socio-economique place le regime des pensions de l'onu parmi les meilleurs du monde.