Conteneurisation et transport multimodal international des marchandises (aspects juridiques et assurances)
Aix-Marseille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
To try and reduce transport cost, chiefly by reducing goods handling fees and boats stay in port, containerisation has been introduced in sea transport. This coming of containerisation involved the developpement of combined transport which is the moving of goods by at least two differents kind of transport. This containerisation and this combined transport are the real revolution of the last decades in the fields of transport. But this technical change is not always followed by legal arrangements, this, either in the french national level or international level. Indeed considering that the limitation of the transporter's responsability in case of a faulty fulfilment of the transport contract apply more often by parcel, a question must be asked of what can be understood as a "parcel" as far as container is considered ? is it the container and the contents ? or each of the goods taken separately ? despite some legal adjustments, the question has not been completely answered as yet. In the same way the present container carrier ships are adapted to deck transport. In fact this form of transport was excluded from the former regulations. Except from the french law, international texts are not adapted to the developpement. . . The same consideration for the general average. Of the fields of insurance, it appeared to us that the container improved the risks of the insurers. For the combined transport, it has not been yet subject of a uniform and imperative regulation, which entails a proliferation of typical contracts, which now constitute the only legal facing in
Abstract FR:
La conteneurisation et le transport multimodal, veritable revolution de cette derniere decennie dans le domaine des transports, ont rendu obsoletes bon nombre de dispositions legales. De la base de calcul de la limitation de responsabilite du transporteur en cas d'execution defectueuse du contrat de transport jusqu'aux regles relatives a l'avarie commune, en passant par le transport en pontee, l'inadaptation des textes ou des pratiques actuellement en vigueur est de plus en plus visible. De meme, le transport multimodal, qui connait un grand developpement, ne fait pas l'objet d'une reglementation precise. Pour combler cette lacune juridique, les juges, d'une part, sont obliges de se referer pour trancher les litiges qui leur sont soumis aux textes actuels qui malheureusement ont ignore le transport multimodal et la conteneurisation, et les particuliers, d'autre part, elaborent des contratstypes qui constituent actuellement le seul revetement juridique dans lequel se deroulent ces transports. Sur le plan de l'assurance des marchandises, il nous est apparu que le conteneur a globalement ameliore le risque pour les assureurs. Et du point de vue du transport multimodal, l'assureur maritime n'a pas ete pris de court, car tres tot il proposait deja des contrats couvrant la marchandise assuree de "magasin a magasin", c'est-a-dire en fait la totalite du transport multimodal.