
La loi dans l'Etat de droit

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Aix-Marseille 3



Abstract EN:

The lawful state system was born in opposing itself to the empire and lord's government. The jurists have elaborated a coherent tenet in order to legitimate it. It was an auto-limitated state, limitated by rights, but equally by the law conceived as a legislation. This last subordination was new but not complete. During the twentieth century, the lawful state system has been improved but the initial cohesion has been replaced by doctrinal discords. The autolimitation is opposed to the other forms of limitation, the limitation by rights is opposed to the limitation by the law and chiefly, this one is opposed to the limitation by the legislation. The lawful state sytem would have to find again the cohesion of its foundations to be opposed to totalitary states, heirs of the empire and lord's government, because the legislation, and more generally the public intervention is at one and the same time a necessity for the human rights and a guarantee against his own dangerous potentialities. It realises the liberties and complete them by the claims which constitute the accessories. It agrees with the liberties in submitting itself to original conditions and modalities. It conciliates the claims and the liberties in enrolling every prestation in the law and in assuring, if necessary, the prestation provider's diversification.

Abstract FR:

L'etat de droit est ne en s'opposant a l'empire et a la seigneurie. Les legistes ont elabore une doctrine coherente pour le legitimer. C'etait un etat autolimite, limite par les droits, mais aussi par le droit concu comme loi. Cette derniere subordination etait inedite mais incomplete. Au vingtieme siecle, l'etat de droit s'est ameliore, mais la cohesion initiale a laisse place aux dissensions doctrinales. L'autolimitation est opposee aux autres formes de limitation, la limitation par les droits est opposee a la limitation par le droit, et surtout, celle-ci est opposee a la limitation par la loi. L'etat de droit devrait retrouver la cohesion de ses fondements pour s'opposer aux etats totalitaires, heritiers de l'empire et de la seigneurie, car la loi, et plus generalement l'intervention publique, est a la fois une necessite pour les droits de l'homme et une garantie contre ses propres potentialites dangereuses. Elle realise les libertes et les complete par les creances qui en constituent les accessoires. Elle se concilie avec les libertes en se soumettant a des conditions d'origine et de modalites. Elle concilie les creances et les libertes en inscrivant toute prestation dans le droit et en assurant au besoin la diversification des prestataires.