Le statut personnel des musulmans d'Algérie de 1834 à 1962
Lyon 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
During the french period ofalgeria, euven if application of metropolitan law was considerably widened, some local law ruces continued to exist, especially in moslim family law. French legislator and judges however try to reduce tmis particularism. In the first place they attempt to reduce the application of local law ratione personae by means of inequal internal conflict of law rules and of the rechnics of law option which could be special or general - this last was bound to access to citzensmip during a time. In these optics too, some authors try to prevent the enforcement of the particular personal status in the mother conntry, and some other authors wismed to appcy the code civil rules to muslins which became converted to christianity. In the second place, french legislator and judges attempted to modify personal status rules with the help of very various proceepings. These reforms lead to change the local family law, originally grounded on the lineage family, for the benefit of the state and of the individual, especially of woman, of the child and of the incapacitated person. The algerian legislator continued this work after independence.
Abstract FR:
Pendant la periode francaise de l'algerie, meme si le champ d'application du droit metropolitain s'etendit considerablement, certaines regles du droit local subsisterent, surtout en droit de la famille musulman. Le legiscateur et le juge francais tenterent pourtant de reduire ce particularisme. En premier lieu, ils essayerent de reduire le champ d'apllication du droit local quant aux personnes, par des regles de conflit interne inegalitaires, et le procede de l'option de ligislation -speciale ou generale, (cette derniere liee pendant un temps a l'acces a la citoyennete). Dans cette optique, on essaya egalement d'empecher l'application du statut personnel special en metropole, et certains souhaiterent appliquer les regles du code civil aux musulmans convertis au christianisme. En second lieu, on tenta, a l'aide de procedes tres divers, de modifier les regles du statut personnel local. Ces reformes eurent pour resultat de transformer ledroit de la famille local, fonde a l'origine sur la famille lignage, au profit de l'etat et de l'individu, notamment de l'enfant, de la femme et de l'incapable, oeuvre poursuivie par le legislateur algerien apres l'independance.