L'abus de domination en matière contractuelle : étude comparative
Aix-Marseille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
There is not doubt but that the principal rules governing contractual obligations found in the civil code of 1804 have been greatly influenced by the individualist and liberal thiking of the 18th century. These concepts from the bases fo the free will doctrine through which the civil code was interpreted in the 19th century. The application of these concepts and their use in interpreting the code is best illustrated in the area of contractuel obligations and in particular in the principals regarding freedom of will and contract. The parties to a contract were presumed to be free and equal and therefore capable of defending their own interest. Based on this presumption, thecode was indifferent regardiing the social and economic positions of the parties. As such the only remedies provided in the code to aid a disadvantaged party were based on vices of consent and the incapacity to contract. Social and economic evolution has proved the presulption of freedom and equality to be false, or at least greatly exaggerated. An adhesion contract is only one example which allows the dominate party to abuse its position. The traditional remedies provided by the code are insufficient to protect a socially or economically disadvantaged party. Contrary to these traditional remedies, legislation and jurisprudence have tended to be more just in contractual matters by taking into consideration the unequal social and economic position of the parties this movement is being carried out in different legal systems by reinforcing the protection accorded a disadvantaged party concerning consent and by imposing an aquilibrium to the contract through reviedwing its content and execution.
Abstract FR:
Il n'est pas douteux que les regles principales en matiere de contrats dans le code civil de 1804 sont marquees par le sceau de l'individualisme et que les idees liberales erpandues le 18e siecle sont a l'origine de l'interpretation volontariste que la doctrine du 19e siecle a appliquee a l'ensemble du droit civil, tout en cristallisant sur le regime du contrat le principe de l'autonomie de la volonte et et ses grands piliers surtout la liberte contractuelle. Les contractants etaient en effet presumes libres et egaux, donc capables de defendre leurs interets. D'ou l'indifference du code a l'egard du desequilibre contractuel. Le code ne prevoyait en fait d'autre remede a la faiblesse du contractant que la theorie des vices du consentement ou celle de l'incapacite. L'evolution economique et social va demontrer l'exageration du postulat d'egalite et de liberte des contractants. Cette evolution a entraine l'apparition des contrats d'adhesion qui sont devenus des moyens d'abus de domination. Les techniques classiques vont apparaitre insuffisantes pour proteger le contractant en position de faiblesse economique ou sociale. A l'oppose de cette indifference classique a l'egard de l'abus de domination, se trouve le mouvement legislatif et jurisprudentiel tendant vers plus de justice contractuelle par la prise en consideration de l'abus de domination. Cette reaction contemporaine se concretise dans les differents droits nationaux par une protection renforcee du consentement du contractant en position de faiblesse et par le reequlibrage impose dulien contractuel par un controle de son contenu et egalement son execution.