Des distorsions entre droit civil et droit fiscal en droit successoral
Abstract EN:
Considering the inheritance, the study brings to light "distortions" between "civil law" and tax law. First, we proceeded to the identification (part 1) of these conflicts, in a comprehensive study of the inheritance. All the rules governing the taxation of the inheritance, the gifts and legacies were explained. Special contracts were studied : life assurance, tontine. . . Afterwards, we studied the application (part 2) of the distortions. "distortion" aims at making a stand against tax-evasion. Nevertheless, tax law also incite to anticipate the consequences of the inheritance.
Abstract FR:
Considerant exclusivement le cadre de la succession, l'etude l'existence de distorsions entre droit civil et droit fiscal. Il a tout d'abord ete procede a l'identification des distorsions (partie 1), dans le cadre d'une etude complete de la succession. L'ensemble des regles d'imposition de la succession, des donations et legs, a ainsi ete expose. Les regles d'imposition de techniques conventionnelles particulieres ont ete analysees : assurance-vie, tontine. . . Puis l'on a envisage l'application des distorsions (partie 2). La distorsion vise a lutter contre la fraude et l'evasion fiscales. Cependant, la loi fiscale incite egalement a l'anticipation de la transmission successorale.