Recherche sur les règles de procédure dans le litige privé international
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
It is possible, following the determination of the rules applicable to the private litigation, to integrate to them the different rules of conflict of law applicable to the ressearch of the law applicable to the international private litigation. The traditional method of the bilateral rule of conflict appears from procedural point of view, as the most conform rule to the role of the judge, as defined by article 12 of the neuw code of civil procedure.
Abstract FR:
Apres avoir etabli les regles applicables au litige, il a ete possible d'y integrer les differentes regles de conflit de lois applicables a la recherche de la loi applicable au litige prive international. La methode traditionnelle de la regle de conflit bilaterale apparait, proceduralement, comme la plus conforme a l'office du juge, tel qu'il decoule de l'article 12 du nouveau code de procedure civile.