La notion de quasi-contrat en droit positif français
Aix-Marseille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
According to the article 1371 of the french civil code, the quasi-contract is an autonomous source of obligations. It belongs to the commitment witch are formed without convention. At the economic level, it's a movement of values made up of the impoverishment of a person and a correlative enrishment of an another. At the juridical level, this transfert must be spontaneous. The typical characteristic of the quasi-contract has, for the negative criteria, the absence of cause, and by indirect, the absence of fault made by dishonesty. The operated shifting of values is injustified, the commutative order obliged to a come back of anotatus quo. The studied notion knows a tripartition of the actions-business management, repetition of undue and the enrishment without cause. Beyond, many legal figures are grafted on the the quasi-contract by the doctrine. The present work also attemps to discern the well-founded of the linking up the most commonly operated.
Abstract FR:
Aux termes de l'article 1371 du code civil francais, le quasi-contrat est une source autonome des obligations. Il appartient aux engagements qui se forment sans convention. Au plan economique, il est un mouvement de valeurs constitue de l'appauvrissement d'une personne et de l'enrichissement correlatif d'une autre personne. Au plan juridique, ce deplacement doit etre spontane. La spontaneite caracteristique du quasi-contrat a, pour critere negatif, l'absence de cause et, par indirecte, exige l'absence de faute commise de mauvaise foi. Le deplacement de valeurs est injustifie, l'ordre commutatif oblige a un retour au statu quo ante. La notion etudiee connait une tripartition des actions - gestion d'affaires, repetition de l'indu, et enrichissement sans cause -, au-dela plusieurs figures juridiques ont ete greflees par la doctrine contemporaine. Le present travail tente aussi de discerner le bien-fonde des rattachements le plus communement operes.