L'enrichissement sans cause en droit prive francais analyse interne et vues comparatives
Lille 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Enrichment without cause was recognized in france as an autonomous source of obligations in 1892 (case boudier). Its technical evolution in french law had a significant rise at the beginning of 20th century. After the last thesis from francois gore in 1949, no more essays were dedicated to the problem of unjust enrichment. At that period, though the other continental laws, mainly those of germanic inspiration, this mechanism, which does not allow somebody to get rich at the expense of others, sprang back to life. A fundamental distinction, based on the nature of things, made it possible to separate the benefits conferred with payment from benefits acquired "in any other manner". Besides its functional aspect, this distinction strives to attach different definitions to the constitutive elements of unjust enrichment, especially that of "cause". The attempt to intro, duce the distinction between benefits conferred with payment and benefits acquired "in any other manner" in french law, and at the same time to bring this institution up-to-date, is the essential purpose of our essay.
Abstract FR:
Nul ne peut s'enrichir aux depens d'autmi. L'enrichissement sans cause fut reconnu en fiance en tant que source autonome d'obligations en 1892 (arret boudier}. Son evolution technique en droit francais connut un essor considerable au debut du xxeme siecle. Apres la derniere these de francois gore en 1949, plus aucun travail ne fut consacre sur le probleme des obligations nees d'un enrichissement injuste. A la meme epoque, les autres droits continentaux, principalement ceux d'inspiration germanique, connurent un renouveau du mecanisme interdisant de s'enrichir aux depens d'autmi. Une distinction fondamentale, reposant sur la nature des choses, permit de sepa, rer les enrichissements nes par prestation de ceux nes sans prestation. Outre son caractere fonc, tionnel, cette distinction s'evertue a attribuer des definitions differentes aux elements constitutifs de l'enrichissement injuste dont notamment celui de "cause". La tentative d'introduire en droit francais la distinction entre les enrichissements nes par prestation et ceux nes sans prestation, en meme temps que d'accorder une image plus moderne a l'institution, constitue l'objectif essentiel de cet essai.