La politique commerciale de la CEE vis-à-vis du Japon
Aix-Marseille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In front of the growing imbalance in the trade exchanges between e. E. C. And japan, the e. E. C. Tried to restore its exclusive competence in the field of commercial policy, to normalize the japan - e. E. C. Relations. To achieve this aim, the e. E. C. Came up against divergent policies of the member states and difficulties to cause the opening of japanese market. The community couldn't limit the multiplication of national protecting actions taken by the multiplication of national protecting actions taken by the member states, without carrying itself a defensive strategy to offer a sectorial protection for the community market. This defensive strategy represente the "protectionist" dimension of the commercial policy, as opposed to the "liberal" dimension leading to the opening of the japanese market, and may be strengthened in view ef the 1992 single european market
Abstract FR:
Face au desequilibre croissant des echanges commerciaux entre la c. E. E. Et le japon, la c. E. E. A tente de retablir sa comptetence exclusive en matiere de politique commerciale pour normaliser les relations c. E. E. - japon. Dans la poursuite de cet objectif, la c. E. E. S'est heurtee aux politiques divergentes des etats membres et aux difficultes a provoquer l'ouverture du marche japonais. La communaute n'a pu limiter la multiplication des mesures nationales de protection prises par les etats membres qu'en adoptant elle-meme une strategie defensive de protection sectorielle du marche communautaire. Cette strategie defensive represente la dimension "protectionniste" de la politique commerciale, par opposition a la dimension "liberale" tendant a l'ouverture du marche japonais, et risque d'etre renforcee dans la perspective du marche unique europeen de 1992