
La coordination locale par l'autorité administrative préfectorale au Cameroun

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Aix-Marseille 3


Abstract EN:

The government cannot rule the whole country from the capital ; so to have effective power control throughout the nation, the territorial organization is made of constituencies which are placed under the responsability of admnistrative officers (district officers) who are the representatives of the central government. By so doing, these administrative officers (district officers) have the responsability of managing, controlling and good execution of the civil service, local politics, maintenance of law and order, the economy, all on a daily basis so to say. Despite the above mentioned responsabilities, the district officers do not seem to have real power, in the sense that their action is limited by the existing rules and regulation, thelack of material means and by the social patterns. So much so that in reality they are toothless bull-dogs.

Abstract FR:

L'etat ne peut pas administrer le pays uniquement a partir de la capitale. Aussi le gouvernement a-t-il cree des circonscriptions administratives a la tete desquelles sont places ses representants, connus sous le generique commun de prefet. Representant local du pouvoir central, le prefet a des missions pluri directionnelles, allant de la bonne marche des services publics, a l'economie et la politique, le clef de voute etant le maintien de l'ordre public. Cependant, a ces responsabilites immenses, ne correspondent en realite que peu de pouvoirs reels. La reglementation en vigueur, le manque de moyens materiels, l'hypotheque socio-politique sont surtout de pesanteurs qui conditionnent l'action prefectorale au point quele prefet apparait davantage comme un "empereur sans sceptre".