
L'expert judiciaire dans le procès civil

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992





Abstract EN:

When a civil case presents a problem of a purely technical character which the presiding judge considers to be beyond his competence, he designates an officially recognized consultant to assist him in an advisory capacity. As the consultant is called upon to assume part of the power of the judge, he must act in such manner as to prove that he is worthy of the confidence that the judge has placed in him. The consultant's technical expertise and his perfect knowledge of the guiding principes of civil procedure ensure that he participates in the legal process in a manner that guarantees his own independence and scrupulously respects the rights of the parties involved. It is this special role that is studied in the first part of the thesis. Once the consultant has been designated, he becomes part of the judicial system as he is exercising an official function alongside his usual private practice. This dual function leads to a necessary ambiguity in the status of the consultant and is the subject matter of the second part of the thesis.

Abstract FR:

En designant un expert dans le proces civil, le juge exprime l'impossibilite ou il se trouve de poser et regler par ses seules connaissances, un probleme dont les donnees sont exclusivement techniques. Appele a exercer une parcelle du pouvoir du juge, l'expert doit, dans l'accomplissement de sa maison, lui prouver qu'il est digne de sa confiance. Par sa competence technique et sa connaissance parfaite des principes directeurs du proces civil, il cooperera a l'oeuvre judiciaire dans l'independance et le strict respect des droits des justiciables, ce role particulier est etudie dans la premiere partie de la these. L'expert judiciaire, une fois designe, est integre au service public de la justice, puisqu'il exerce une fonction officielle parallelement a son activite privee habituelle. Cependant, cette double fonction entraine necessairement une ambiguite de son statut qui justifie la reflexion que la these presente dans sa seconde partie.