Le nom de la femme
Lille 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The first part, entitled "the ascension of the woman's name in their marital relations", deals firstly with the woman's name during the marriage and secondly in the case of dissolution. In order to show the origin and the extent of the use of the husband's name, it was necessary to show that the woman had limited rights. On the one hand, the husband can dorbid his wife to use her married name abusively. On the other hand, the same interdiction is possible in the case of a separation. Fianaly, in cas of dissolution, it was necessary to consider the widow's name and above all that of the divorced woman. This study concerns marital or judicial authorisation allowing the divorced woman to continue using the husband's name for either her own personal reasons or for these of their childreb. The second part, entited "the rise of the woman's name to family dimension", crated the possibility of transmitting the woman(s name to her children before proposing a general reform on the subject. Due to the law of the 23rd of december 1985, it was necessary to show that the attribution of the nother's name remains an exception. While wainting for a change of the law, we were able to suggest a system in. . .
Abstract FR:
La premiere partie, intitulee "l'ascension du nom de la femme dans la relation conjugale", traite successivement du nom de la femme pendant le mariage, puis au moment de sa dissolution. En precisant l'origine et la portee de l'usage du nom du marie, il a fallu montrer que la femme disposait d'un droit dont les limites ont ete fixees. D'une part, le mari peut interdire a la femme mariee d'user du nom marital en cas d'abus; d'autre part, la meme interdiction peut etre prononcee au moment de la separation de corps. Enfin, lors de la dissolution du mariage, il a fallu envisager le nom de la femme veuve et celui de la femme divorcee. Dans cette etude, il a ete question de l'autorisation maritale ou judiciaire permettant a la femme divorcee de continuer a porter le nom du marie dans son interet personnel ou celui de ses enfants. La seconde partie, intitulee "l'accession du nom de la femme a la dimension familiale", a permis d'envisager la transmission du nom de la femme aux enfants avant de proposer une reforme d'ensemble de la matiere. En consideration de la loi du 23 decembre 1985, il a fallu montrer que l'attribution du nom maternel demeurait marginale. Dans l'attente d'un changement legislatif, on a pu proposer un systeme dans lequel le nom de la femme pourrait concurrencer celui de l'homme.