Le trust en droit anglais
Paris 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The purpose of this study is an introduction to the english law of trusts examined through its fondamental principles laid down by common law and equity. The history of the trust as an institution and its close connexion with the law of property and contract or the law of successions which played a vital part in its development is followed by the examination of the essentials of a trust and the clear analysis of the major types of trusts. The last part of the study describes the position of the trustee and beneficiary of the trust through their own rights and duties. The documentation dedicated to trust matters is impressive and many cases have been quoted for illustration. The text offers a clear exploration and analysis of the law beeing backed up by extensive footnote references.
Abstract FR:
Le present ouvrage s'est assigne pour but de proceder a l'examen de la technique du trust en droit anglais. Des developpements substantiels sont consacres a l'emergence de cette technique au fil des siecles. Les evolutions et transformations qu'elle a subies sont etudiees avant que soient analysees ses applications dans le monde contemporain. Celles-ci sont eclairees par un examen systematique des principales decisions rendues par les juridictions du royaume-uni, voire d'autres etats relevant du systeme de common law.