L'insertion locale de la justice pénale
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
At the cross-roads of the latest french policy of crime preventio and of the modernization of the judicial institution, penal justice is invited to open up to its local environnement. Using a twofold approach - historical and juridical study as well as the speach analysis of magistrates -, this thesis aims to shows the origins, difficulties and multiple possible implications of this "local integration of the penal justice".
Abstract FR:
Au carrefour de la nouvelle politique francaise de prevention de la delinquance et de la modernisation de l'institution judiciaire la justice penale est invitee a s'ouvrir sur son environnement local. Utilisant une double demarche - etude historico-juridique et analyse du discours des magistrats - , la these vise a montrer les origines, les difficultes et les multiples implications possibles de cette "insertion locale de la justice penale".