La mise en conformité de l'acte
Toulouse 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The compliance consists in the objective correction of vitiated deed. It avoids or replaces uselessness or dissolution of the same because some of its conditions of validity have not been combined when formed or do not exist any more during its performance. Theorically, the admission of the compliance seems to be the fact that validation of the deed, that is to say its late accession to validity, is equivalent to original validity. From a practical point of view, the compliance has appeared in order first to avoid the negative consequences of the annihilation of the deed, secondly because it is the only appropriate sanction to rules aiming not at the annihilation of the deed, but at its maintenance, by adapting it towards the meaning imposed by the legislator. This observation leads us to determine the different fields of annihilation and compliance. It was then suitable to take an interest in the juridical system of the compliance. Even if this is a changing technique since it covers some distinctive processes, it obeys a common juridical system, apart from some peculiarities inherent to each process. The analysis of its conditions, of its performance, of its effects do testify it.
Abstract FR:
La mise en conformite se caracterise par une grande diversite qui masque une unite profonde : elle realise une validation objective de l'acte. Aussi, audela de l'extreme variete des hypotheses dans lesquelles on la rencontre et des formes qu'elle revet, il est possible de saisir la mise en conformite en elle-meme et de faire apparaitre l'originalite de la notion qui s'introduit dans le systeme de la sanction du droit des actes a cote de la nullite et de la dissolution. Il en resulte un debut de regime commun dont les caracteristiques essentielles ont ete precisees, tant en ce qui concerne les conditions que la mise en oeuvre et les effets.