
Le sort des frais et dépens de l'instance pénale

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Aix-Marseille 3



Abstract EN:

The costs and expenses of criminal proceedings are special costs, inherent in each action and distinct from the general court costs. They have undergone a major change with the reform of the code of criminal procedure of january 4 1993 which has abolished their recovery and increase the fixed court costs for the treasury. The costs and expenses are setted according to a list. Before 1993 they used to comply with strict and rather complicated ruler of recovery. The list of costs and expenses together with the system of procedure which conditions them concern themselves almost exclusively with the expenses likely to be incurred by the treasury. And yet all the parties to criminal proceedings such as those who are prosecuted, those who are vicariously liable and of course the injured parties, incur expenses. This it is suitable to analyse not only the costs and rules inherent in the action instituted by the department of the public prosecutor but also the costs of those other parties to the prosecution ; as well as the institutions proper to them, such as legal aid or deposit. It appears, as the survey goes, that, as in the rest of the criminal procedure, the public prosecutor has great preeminence.

Abstract FR:

Les frais et depens de l'instance penale sont des frais speciaux, inherents a chaque procedure et distincts des frais generaux de l'administration judiciaire. Ils ont subi une profonde mutation avec la reforme du code de procedure penale du 4 janvier 1993 qui a supprime leur recouvrement et augmente considerablement le droit fixe de procedure. Les frais et depens sont consitues par une liste. Ils ont des regles de recouvrement strictes et assez complexes. Ils se preoccupent presque essentiellement des frais qui sont susceptibles d'etre mis a la charge du tresor public. Pourtant toutes les parties a l'instance penale, telles que les personnes poursuivies, les civilement responsables et bien sur, les victimes, ont des frais. Il convient donc d'examiner, non seulement les frais et les procedures inherents a l'action du ministere public, mais aussi, les frais de ces autres parties, ainsi que les institutions qui leurs sont propres (aide juridictionnelle; consignation). Il apparait au fil de l'etude que, comme dans le reste de la procedure penale, le ministere public a une preeminence tres importante et l'ensemble du systme a ete concu a son avantage. Les frais et depens des autres parties a l'instance penale etant insuffisamment couverts".