Le droit du mariage au mali, a la lumiere de droits africains-francophones
Rennes 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
When, in ten years, the bicentenary of the french civil code takes place, one should honor african codes of french speaking countries. During the elaboration of the marriage code and the marriage code and the guardianship of mali in 1962, the malian legislator was inspired by the french civil code but he didn't make a clean spweep of customs which were transformed by islam. The most obvious institutional manifestations of maintenance of the law called traditional as regards marriage are dowry and polygamy wich we particulary emphasize. The record office of the french civil code and that of traditional institutions had not been to underline lagel contradictions. The marriage code and the guardiansdhip of mali of 1962 has not modified since. Now, the malian reality has evolve since thirty years. In a near future one should be preoccupied by the reform of this code and integrate the idea of equality dear to french law. This reform will require another confrontation between the french law and traditional institutions but also a study of other african codes of french-speaking countries.
Abstract FR:
Quand, dans dix ans, l'on fetera le bicentenaire du code civil francais, il faudra bien mettre a l'honneur les codes africains francophones. Lors de l'elaboration du code du mariage et de la tutelle du mali en 1962, le legislateur malien s'est inspire du code civil francais, mais il n'a pas fait table rase des coutums , d'alleurs redeployees par l'islam. Les manifestations institutionnelles les plus evidentes du maintien du droit dit traditionnel en matiere de mariage, sont la dot et la polygamie, sur lesquelles nous avons voulu insister particulierement. La greffe juridique du code civil francais et des institutions traditionnelles n'a pas ete facile a realiser. L'une de nos preoccupations a ete de souligner les contradictions juridiques qui en decoulent. Le code du mariage et de la tutelle du mali date de 1962, il n'a pas ete modifie depuis. Or, la realite malienne a evolue en 30ans. Il faudra bien, dans l'avenir se preoccuper de la reforme de ce code et y integrer l'idee d'egalite chere au droit francais.