Parents désunis et protection pénale de l'enfant
Lyon 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The parent who does not take on his ou her family responsability is guilty of family desertion or non representation of child and as such can be sentenced to imprisonnement or a fine can be brought upon him her. Criminal law embraces the obligations stemming from family life. This is meant to protect divided parents'children, especially their health and education. The penal magistrate intervenes in a long-lasting conflictual family situation which has not been settled. The inadequacy of a civil and administrative protection justifies the interference of penal law in a divided family. Under these conditions, the penal protection of the child seems necessary, but in fact is relative: only an action brought against a parent who is guilty of family desertion is efficient. A suited penal sanction is likely to protect the child in his food need. On the other hand the implementation of a sanction on a parent sued to court for the non representation of a child does not allow to solve this family tragedy in its psychological magnitude. This acknowledgement leads to seck non contentions solutions to family disputes.
Abstract FR:
Le parent qui n'assume pas sa responsabilite familiale est coupable d'abandon de famille ou de non-representation d'enfant et encourt a ce titre, des peines d'emprisonnement et d'amende. Le droit penal ceinture les obligations issues de la vie familiale et ce, pour proteger l'enfant de parents desunis en particulier sa sante et son education. Le magistrat penal intervient dans une situation parentale conflictuelle qui s'est perenisee et qui n'a pu etre prealablement debloquee. Les insuffisances d'une protection civile et administrative justifient l'ingerence de la justice penale au sein de la cellule familiale eclatee. Dans ces conditions, la protection penale de l'enfant apparait necessaire mais en realite, celle-ci n'est que relative: seule la repression exercee a l'encontre d'un parent poursuivi pour abandon de famille est efficace. Une sanction penale adaptee est de nature a proteger l'enfant dans son besoin alimentaire. En revanche, l'application d'une peine a un parent coupable de non-representation d'enfant ne permet pas de resoudre ce drame familial, dans sa dimension psychologique. Ce constat conduit a rechercher des modes de resolution non contentieux des litiges familiaux.