
Le chômage partiel

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Paris 12



Abstract EN:

The intention of this thesis is to study short time working from two perspectives : on the one hand, the relationship between the employer and the employee (part i) and, on the other hand, the impact on employment part ii). In part i, the conditions governing the basic ideas and procedures related to the legality of the decision taken by the employer are first examined. Next, the disruptions caused by such decisions as well as the system of compensation established to remedy, at least partially, the decision in question are considered. Part ii seeks, at the outset, to cast light on the legal framework of the laying off of employees hired on a short time working basis. In the following section, the emplasi's is placed on short time working as an alternative to the laying off of the employee and, within this context, as an instrument for employment strategies. The examination of the latter aspect leads to the suggestion of a juridical approach, both more global, and more balanced than is presently the case, to the issue of short time working which takes into consideration the ambivalence of the institution involved.

Abstract FR:

L'objet de la these est d'etudier le chomage partiel d'une part dans le cadre des rapports entre employeur et salaries (premiere partie), d'autre part sous l'angle de son incidence sur l'emploi (deuxieme partie). Dans la premiere partie sont examinees les conditions de forme et de fond de la liceite de la decision patronale ; puis le bouleversement engendre par cette decision et le systeme d'indemnisation qui y remedie partiellement. La deuxieme partie presente tout d'abord le regime juridique du licenciement consecutif au chomage partiel ; ensuite et surtout, le chomage partiel est envisage comme alternative au licenciement et a ce titre notamment comme instrument de la politique de l'emploi. La mise en relief de ce dernier aspect conduit a preconiser une approche juridique plus globale, et equilibre, de la problematique du chomage partiel qui assumerait l'ambivalence de l'institution.