La preuve dans le droit de la famille
Nancy 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The specificity of family extrapatrimonial law led to wonder if the application of an original theory of the law of evidence was justifiable. But the particularism of the system has diminished in order to give free rein to the development of the right to evidence with a return to the principle of the freedom of evidence as regards judicial facts. The disappearance of legal specificity of the evidence, already carried out to a very large extent by the law of 11th july, 1975, as far as marriage and divorce are concerned, takes place today in the field of filiation. Indeed, since the law of 3d january, 1972, has been implemented, the evolution has carried on and has even increased-over the past years- in so far as civil courts have fully made use of the increased powers which had been given to them. The rapid improvements accomplished as far as scientific research is concerned have led to the upheaval of some traditional conceptions; they have made disappear the natural obstacles to the right to evidence, which were depending on the impossibility to substantiate. But still there is - in a standing and irreducible way- an originality in the facts : if the subject of the evidence is specific, the means of evidence -if they may as a whole be linked to the existing categories- are original in spite of everything.
Abstract FR:
La specificite du droit extrapatrimonial de la famille conduisait a se demander si l'application d'une theorie originale du droit des preuves etait justifiee. Mais le particularisme du systeme s'est attenue pour laisser libre cours au developpement du droit a la preuve avec un retour au principe de la liberte de preuve des faits juridiques. L'effacement de la specificite legale de la preuve, deja tres largement realise par la loi du 11 juillet 1975 en matiere de mariage et de divorce, s'opere actuellement dans le domaine de la filiation. En effet, depuis la loi du 3 janvier 1972, l'evolution s'est poursuivie et s'est meme accentuee ces dernieres annees, les tribunaux ayant pleinement use des pouvoirs accrus qui leur avaient ete donnes. Les progres fulgurants accomplis dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique ont bouleverse certaines conceptions traditionnelles en matiere de filiation et fait disparaitre les obstacles naturels au droit a la preuve lies a l'impossibilite de prouver. Mais il demeure, de facon permanente et irreductible, une originalite dans les faits : l'objet de la preuve etant particulier, les moyens de preuve, s'ils peuvent dans leur ensemble etre rattaches aux categories existantes, n'en sont pas moins originaux.