Le statut juridique de l'enfant conçu
Montpellier 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The law in force built from the summa divisio between person and thing doesn't bring a satisfactory answer for the unborn child legal status. If it as recourse to legal fictions, they are inadequate to answer the solicitations of the biomedecine. The acts of the 29th july 1994 relating to bioethics, legalizing many thechnics for example the giving of embryo, induce us to the transformation of the unborn child into a thing. Because he gets respect at the beginning of his life, the unborn child assumes in utero his mother's legal personality ; this fiction doesn't substitute for his legal status of object according to the law. The embryo in vitro proceeds from the same status, object in accordance with the law, he isn't a personal estate because he is devoid of patrimonial value. He is in the "commece juridique" through the notion of convention understood like the brought of perfect obligations into play and distinguished by an absolute rule of gratuitousness and an absence of property.
Abstract FR:
Le droit positif construit a partir de la summa divisio entre personne et chose n'apporte pas de reponse satisfaisante au statut juridique de l'enfant concu. S'il a recours a des fictions juridiques, elles demeurent insuffisantes pour repondre aux sollicitations de la biomedecine moderne. Les lois du 29 juillet 1994 sur la bioethique en legalisant de nombreuses techniques dont le don d'embryon conduisent a soutenir la reification de l'enfant concu. Parce qu'il beneficie d'un respect des le commencement de sa vie, l7enfant a naitre emprunte in utero la personnalite juridique de sa mere ; cette fiction ne se substituant pas a sa nature juridique d'objet de droit. L'embryon in vitro procede du meme statut, objet de droit et non bien car depourvu de valeur patrimoniale, il participe au commerce juridiq ue a travers la notion de convention apprehendee comme la mise en oeuvre d'obligatons legales et caracterisee par un principe absolu de gratuite et l'absence de toute appropriation.