
Du Processus de généralisation de la sécurité sociale de 1945 à nos jours

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997







Abstract EN:

In 1945 the french plan of social security service was aimed at speading the legislation on social insurances to the social groups deprived of protection and to allocate a minimum income to those unable to work to make a living. The efforts developped to carry out an application of the directions defined by this plan the process of generalisation in respect of the insurance principles have led to have recourse to category integration mechanisms that have not always supplied the unemployed with the possibility to benefit from the minimum basic protection their status normaly gives them access to. The difficulties encountered to widen the range of the old age insurance reached such a level that non contributive allowances were quickly instituted to fund old age persons in a state of poverty. The multiplicity of the derogatory regimes created to open the illness insurance to jobless individuals currently forms an obstacle to obtaining the title of national insurance contributor. The socia security service has progressively been entrusted with the management of social minima which were not organized to take the multifacious aspects of poverty into account because of their construction on the base of social hazards traditionaly covered by social insurances as long as the "revenu minimum d'insertion" was not devised. The suppression of the requirements of a professional activity has, right from 1978, on the other hand, guaranted family allowances to the whole of the residenters. Though the right to social security continues in a majority way to refer to a professional model, it provides, despite the noted disfunctionings a minimal protection exhaustive base in right which enables the quasi entire population to receive medical care and family allowances and a minimal income eventually.

Abstract FR:

L'objectif du plan francais de securite sociale etait en 1945 d'etendre la legislation sur les assurances sociales aux groupes sociaux depourvus de protection et d'allouer un minimum de ressources a ceux qui n'etaient pas en mesure de travailler pour subvenir a leurs besoins. Les efforts deployes pour mener, en application des orientations definies par ce plan, le processus de generalisation dans les respect des principes assurantiels ont conduit a recourir a des mecanismes d'integrations categorielles qui n'ont pas toujours offert aux inactifs la possibilite de beneficier de la protection minimale de base a laquelle leur statut donne normalement acces. Les difficultes rencontrees pour elargir le perimetre de l'assurance vieillesse atteignirent un tel niveau que des allocations non contributives furent rapidement instituees pour solvabiliser les personnes agees en situation de pauvrete. La multiplicite des regimes derogatoires instaures pour ouvrir l'assurance maladie aux individus san activite professionnelle constitue actuellement un obstacle a l'obtention de la qualite d'assure social. La securite sociale s'est progressivement vue confier la gestion de minima sociaux qui ne furent pas organises pour prendre en consideration le caractere multidimensionnel de la pauvrete, en raison de leur construction sur la base des risques sociaux traditionnellement couverts par les assurances sociales, tant que le revenu minimum d'insertion ne fut pas cree. La suppression des criteres d'activite professionnelle a en revanche garanti des 1978 des prestations familiales a l'ensemble des residants. Bien que le droit de la securite sociale continue majoritairement a se referer au modele professionnel, il assure, en depit des dysfonctionnements enregistres, une protection minimale de base exhaustive en droit qui permet a la quasi-totalite de la population de recevoir des soins medicaux, de percevoir des prestations familiales et eventuellement un revenu minimum.