
Les lois organiques de l'article 46 de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Aix-Marseille 3



Abstract EN:

The constitution of the 4 th october 1958, qhile providing for specific regulations concernin "organic laws" (acts of detailed implementation of the constitution ruled by specific renforced provisions), distinguishes them from the reality which was covered by the same conceit used under previous constitutions, and builds them up as an original category of legal acts. "organic laws" is given a formal difinition : a bille passed in accordance with the provisions made by article 46 of the constitution, and endowed with a proper field of material competence regard to ordinary legislative acts as well as statutory acts. The particulary of the provisions concerning "organic laws" has made their role be tranformed step by step. This role is no longer the implementation of constitutional provision, but also results in a stronger protection of certain field which the constitution provides for regard to the competence of the ordinary acts making power.

Abstract FR:

En conferant a la loi organique un regime juridique specifique, la constitution du 4 octobre 1958 la distingue du concept utilise sous l7empire des constitutions precedentes et l'erige en une categorie particuliere d'actes juridiques. Elle recoit ainsi une definition formelle : c'est une loi adoptee dans le respect des conditions fixees par l'article 46 de la constitution, et qui dispose d'une reserve de competence, tant a l'egard de la loi ordinaire qu'a l'egard du reglement. Le regime juridique de la loi organique tend a modifier sa fonction. Cette derniere n'est plus seulement liee a l'application des dispositions constitutionnelles, mais s'attache desormais a la recherche d'une plus grande protection apportee a certaines matieres prevues par la constitution, en assurant cette protection egalement a l'egard du legislateur ordinaire.