
Les enfants nes hors mariage en droit francais et bresilien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Rennes 1

Abstract EN:

French and brazilian law are both based on the same general provisions : napoleonic code. By comparing two legal systems with regard to the present situation of children born out of wedlock, we are able to evaluate the how the legislations of the two countries have improved the situation of these children. The purpose of this study is to judge how the principle of equality of filiation is dealt with in practice in these two countries. The principle of non-differentiation of filiation was introduced into french law in 1972. Nevertheless, this reform has reatined certain restrictions concerning the rights of some children born out of wedlock. Brazilian law has recently undergone a reform wich substantially changed the situation of children born out of wedlock by effectively eliminating any prior discrimination against the illegitimate child. Henceforth, all children have the same rights. The different circumstances which might characterise the situation of a child born out of wedlock are presented along with the various legal means used to determine the filiation of the child and to confer him or her with the same rights as that of a legitimate child.

Abstract FR:

Le droit francais et le droit bresilien sont fondes sur un meme ensemble de dispositions : le code napoleon. La comparaison de ces deux systemes juridiques concernat la situation actuelle des enfants nes hors mariage nous permettra d'evaluer les progres realises par ces deux pays en vue d'ameliorer la situation de ces enfants. Cette etude propose de faire une appreciation sur la mise en pratique du principe d'egalite des filiations dans ces deux pays. Le principe de la non-differenciation des filiations a ete consacre en france par la loi de 1972. Le droit bresilien a fait l'objet d'une recente reforme qui a change substantiellement la situation des enfants nes hors mariage en eliminant toutes les discriminations existantes a l'egard des enfants naturels. Sont envisagees les diverses situations qui peuvent caracteriser la condition de l'enfant ne hors mariage et egalement, les divers mecanismes juridiques qui sont en mesure d'etablir le lien de filiation de l'enfant et de lui conferer les memes droits que ceux attribues a l'enfant legitime.