Nationalisations et droits des actionnaires
Lyon 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Besides purely political and economical considerations, the act of nationalization of private industries raises juridical problems. The latter concerns essentielly private shareholders who are deprived of their assets and the public shareholders, paticularly, the state, who is the beneficiary of the act of a transfer. Each of these two categories of shareholders raises specifical questions relative to the rights of shareholders and the company laws. In french company laws, there is a distinction between company's assets and shares which belong toshareholders. The first question is to know which of these properties is nationalized or transfered to the state. This question gives rise to another: that is how will the state compensate for the prejudice resulting from that transfer implies. The second point in case concerns the new prprietors or public shareholders. The situation reduces itself to the applying of rule of company laws, such as the contractual provisions to the beneficiary of assets transfered, principally the state, who is the holder of exorbitant authority and sovereign rights and animated by public interest.
Abstract FR:
Au-dela des considerations purement politiques et economiques des mesures de nationalisations se posent des problemes juridiques. Ceux-ci interessent essentiellement les actionnaires capitalistes qui se voient prives de leurs biens et, ensuite, les actionnaires du secteur public, notamment l'etat, lequel est le beneficiaire direct des biens transferes. Chacune de ces deux categories d'actionnaires pose des questions juridiques specifiques qui se rapportent, somme toute, aux droits des actionnaires et des societes. Pour les premiers, qui sont, au plan societaire, des proprietaires originaux, il s'agit principalement de savoir quels biens va saisir l'etat et comment va-t-il les indemniser. Pour les segonds, le probleme se resume a l'application des regles des societes commerciales, notamment les regles contractuelles, aux actionnaires des societes nationalisees beneficiaires des biens transferes, lesquels actionnaires, lorsqu'il s'agit, en particulier, de l'etat, sont detenteurs de la puissance publique et animes par l'interet general.