Les Guadeloupéens face au développement du tourisme
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Even if, at the beginning, the great tourist projects, which the natives of guadeloupe didn't launch on their own initiative, raised indifference and scepticism, the inhabitants have progressively realized the positive consequences of this new activity, the advantages it presented as well as the financial benefits which could be induced by it. Then, they summoned up all their energy and organized themselves as, according to them, tourism must first of all be the guadelupian natives' business. Tourism has become part of the leisure civilization of the inhabitants, bringing about changes in their ways of life and spare-time activities. However, in spite of the evolution which can be noticed, the way they take part in tourism, as far as the economic and leisure practices are concerned, still differ according to the social groups.
Abstract FR:
Si au debut les grands projets touristiques dont les guadeloupeens n'ont pas eu l'initiative ont suscite l'indifference voire le septicisme progressivement les habitants ont vu les enjeux de cette nouvelle activite, les interets qu'elle representait et les revenus qu'ils pouvaient en tirer. Ils se sont alors mobilises et organises, car pour eux le tourisme doit etre avant tout l'affaire des guadeloupeens. Le tourisme est devenu un element de la civilisation des loisirs des habitants apportant des changements dans les modes de vie et les distractions. Les modes de participation sur le plan economique restent cependant differenciees selon les populations malgre les evolutions que l'on peut observer.