
L'impact socio-économique de la néo-citadine de Yaoundé

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Bordeaux 3



Abstract EN:

The following research deals with scuth-cameroon woman in town, an extratraditional spheres. Her various reactions show her dynamism, and leads to a sort of slow but real destruction of traditionnal society. This masterpiece consists of three main part; it deals with only the peasan woman from the important tribes of this sug-region, tribes which ares mostly found in yaounde, such as beti, boulou, bassa, douala, bamoun, ko'ozime. This study will not have to do with the highly placed woman of liberal occupations, although they undergo the same problems. The first part deals with the socio-juridic, economic and traditional statuts of the woman in south camercon communities. It is the question of this objective study aiming at bringing out the must constraint and traumatizing characteristins, at the expense of the woman or those in her faboiur or glory. This part brings out the political omnipotence caused by its presence among lineage, clans, tribes either friends or enemies. It also studies her traditionnal economic status. The second part concerns the urbanisation of south-cameroon and native woman. Ttsstudies the various psycho-social and economic mutations of this woman. In urban areas. It deals with women's rural exodus, their education at school and so on. . . ; their salaries, christian religions, it ends by a chapter dealing with new town woman in mbalmayo and sangmelina, two medium size in south cameroon. . .

Abstract FR:

Cette etude concerne la femme du sud-cameroun aux prises avec la ville, un milieu extra-traditionnel. L'ensemnle de ses reactions temoigne de son dynamique et concourt a une destruction lente mais certaine de la societe coutumiere. Ce travail comprend trois grandes parties; il s'est limite a la seule paysanne des grandes ethnies de cette sous-region les plus representees a yaounde: beti- boulou- bassa- douala- bamileke- bamoun- ko'o- zime. Cette etude ne s'etendra pas aux femmes cadres des prodessions liberales bien qu'elles vivent les memes tensions. La premiere partie traite du statut socio-juridique et economique tra ditionnel de la femme dans les societes du sud-cameroun. Il s'agit d'un examen objectif pour faire ressortir ses caracteres les plus contraignants, les plus traumatisants au detriment de la femme ou ceux a son benefice, a sa gloire. Cette partie souligne l'omnipotence politique due a sa seule presence entre les lignages, des elans, des tribus amis ou ennemis; elle examine egalement son statut economique traditionnel. La deuxieme partie concerne l'urbanisation du sud cameroun et la femme autochtone. Elle etudie les diverses mutations psycho-sociales et economiques de cette derniere en milieu urbain. Elle traite successivement de l'exode rural feminin, de scolarisation. . . Des filles, du salariat feminin, des religions chretiennes. . .