
Circulation et transports dans le Kivu zaïrois

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Bordeaux 3



Abstract EN:

The development of the thesis was structured into five parts - the first part is dedicated to a study of regional data and different exploitation forms in the regional environment and also accomplished by an analysis of the economic exchanges in the kivu area. - the second part deals with present infracstructure of transporta- tion, including a particular regional form: human transport of goods. - the third part draws up a qualitative and quantitative balance sheet of the regional traffic (roads, tracks, lacustrian and aerial transport). - the forth part devotes itself to a detailed study of connection between the principal agent of transport, which is the road and the region, particularly its impact on local activities (agriculture, trade, etc. ). - finally the fifth part endeavours to evaluate the perspectives which offer themselves to the region and the possible solutions of an improvement of the exchanges. The conclusion presents a chart of priorities resulting in this prospective analysis.

Abstract FR:

Le developpement de la these a ete structure en cinq parties - la premiere partie, consacree a l'etude des donnees regionales et aux formes d'exploitation du milieu, s'acheve sur une analyse des echanges concernant le kivu zairois. - la deuxieme partie se propose une evaluation de l'infrastructure actuelle des transports et inclut l'analyse d'un mode regional par ticulier: le portage humain. - la troisieme partie dresse un bilan qualitatif et quantitatif du trafic regional (routier, lacustre et aerien). - la quatrieme partie est consacree a l'etude detaillee des rapports entre le principal agent des transports, qu'est la route, et la region. Enfin, la cinquieme partie s'efforce d'evaluer les perspectives qui s'offrent a la region et les possibles solutions d'une amelioration des echanges. La conclusion dresse un tableau des priorites qui decoulent de cette analyse prospective.