
Géographie des relations ferroviaires en France

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Clermont-Ferrand 2




Abstract EN:

Stating that the railway connections in france are in many places of mediocre or bad quality and that those who use the railway system have only rarely drawn the interest of geographers, the author consacrates his work to the study of what rail transportation has to offer and the accessibility of the places where it exists. A tool is created to evaluate the spatial functioning in occurence with the network of passenger service in the french railway system. Used as a method of treating the data (14. 000 data gathered), the graphs (matricial and cartographic) show its strength and effectiveness in geographical research. The association of eleven criteria relative to the commodities of rail transportation (established from the official indicators of the sncf (national society of french railroads) allows to distinguish light degrees concerning the quality of relations. The notion of space in railway connections is thus defined. By using the mean of analyses and successive syntheses, a geography of railway connections in france is elaborated. A model of the organization of space in the french railway system is constructed. The analysis of interregional communications both centrifugal and centripetal put in evidence the different degrees of connection of various places, the degree of quality of the axes and railway crossroads functioning in three levels (proximity interregional, transnational). Among the accounted factors, fedicient railway connections appear to be fundamental. The apparition of the tgv (high-speed train) (in the south-east, atlantic coast, and across europe) and its effects on the structuration of space are treased. These elements constitute the basis of an interregional schema of railway transportation, the main features of which are sketched out in view of improving the functioning of the railway network

Abstract FR:

Constatant que les liaisons ferroviaires en france sont en bien des endroits de qualite mediocre ou mauvaise et que l'usager des chemins de fer n'a que rarement attire l'interet des geographes, l'auteur consacre son travail a l'etude de l'offre de transport ferroviaire et de l'accessibilite des lieux qui en resulte. Un outil d'evaluation du fonctionnement spatial d'un reseau, en l'occurence du reseau ferre francais (voyageurs), est mis au point. Utilisee comme une methode de traitement de donnees (14000 donnees), la graphique (traitements matriciels et cartographiques) montre sa puissance et son efficacite dans la recherche en geographie. L'association de onze criteres relatifs aux commodites de transport (etablis a partir des indicateurs officiels de la s. N. C. F. ) permet de distinguer huit degres de qualite de relations. La notion d'espace de relations ferroviaires est alors definie. Par un jeu d'analyses et de syntheses successives, une geographie des relations ferroviaires en france est elaboree. Un modele d'organisation de l'espace francais est construit. L'analyse des communications interregionales, centrifuges et centripetes, met en evidence les degres de connexite des divers lieux, les degres de qualites des axes et des noeuds ferroviaires aux trois echelles de fonctionnement (proximite, interregionale, transnationale). Parmi les facteurs d'explication, les mauvaises correspondances apparaissent fondamentales. L'introduction du t. G. V. (sud-est, atlantique, europeen) et ses effets sur la structuration de l'espace sont abordes. Ces elements fournissent les bases d'un schema interregional des transports ferroviaires dont les grands traits sont esquisses en vue d'ameliorer le fonctionnement du reseau