
Les industries rurales de l'Auvergne et du Velay

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1995



Clermont-Ferrand 2



Abstract EN:

In the mountains of auvergne and velay, there is a authentic industrial fabric, with diversified activities, old manufacturing, consisting mainly of little firms which remarkably managed to whistand the economic crisis. When asked about the location of their factories, managers from the mountains do not consider it as a handicap, but insist on some advantages of the country environment, especially the hight quality of local workforce. This picture of the situation is only made gloomy by a very unbalanced geographical distribution, the main activities being concentrated in the east. These conclusions go against the main ways of thinking, which often consider rural industry as a survival and underestimate its aptitude for modernity. On the contrary, the survey shows that the firms prove to be innovative, capable to adapt themselves to the present conditions of industrial production, the development of markets, the crisis, as well as to the constraints arising from their location. They achieve this by selling and exporting their products far away, and compensating for the inadequate local qualifications with training. The opinion that this situation would only be a survival is refuted by the renewal of the industrial fabric, which is mainly originated by local people who are attached to their region, and secondarily by outside creators. The main concern is the geographical readjustment of the mountain environment. Diffusion is possible but relies on a complex combination of conditions which are not equally met by the different regions. It spreading remains facilitated by an existing base, the decisiding factors are local cultures and the aptitude of the political representatives and all the people involved in the local development

Abstract FR:

Il existe dans les montagnes d'Auvergne et du Velay un authentique tissu industriel aux activités diversifiées, aux traditions manufacturières anciennes, constitué surtout de petites PMI, qui ont résité de façon remarquable à la crise. Interrogés les entrepreneurs de montagne ne jugent pas leur localisation handicapante et insistent sur certains avantages du milieu rural, notamment les grandes qualités de la main-d'oeuvre rurale. Ce tableau n'est assombri que par une répartition géographique très déséquilibrée : les massifs orientaux concentrent l'essentiel de l'activité. . . L'enquête montre que les entreprises font preuve d'innovation, de facultés d'adaptation aux conditions actuelles de la production industrielle, à l'évolution des marchés, à la crise, aux contraintes de leur localisation aussi, en vendant loin, en exportant, en palliant par la formation l'insuffisance locale des qualifications. Les diagnostics de survivance dont aussi contredits par le renouvellement du tissu industriel qui est surtout le fait de locaux attachés à leur pays, et secondairement de créateurs exogènes. Le problème majeur est celui du rééquilibrage géographique du tissu montagnard. La diffusion est possible, mais repose sur une combinaison complexe de conditions que les milieux remplissent inégalement. Si l'existence d'un substrat facilite toujours l'expansion, les facteurs décisifs sont les cultures locales et l'attitude des élus et des responsables locaux du développement