Le tourisme au Congo : situation et perspectives
Clermont-Ferrand 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
It seems important to be aware of the present congolese situation and to learn about its potentialities in perspective. After independence, tourism was almost inexistant in congo. Yet the country has a great deal of natural and cultural resources. Nothing but the lack of exploitation of these resources prevents congo to develop an outstanding competitive position on the international market. Great financial efforts are required to enhance these touristic features by creating necessary infrastructures in terms of reception and supplies. The governement should have its priority objectives in the satisfaction of mostly european customers'needs. Therefore, every efforts should be made to get fair accommodation distributed on the whole country, and to develop the means of information for the customers. Measures in terms of cooperation with the tower operators, the formation of skilled labour contribute to the profitability of services, and to the development of the country. Despite some good effort, perspectives still depend on the governement'will to carry out the different projects under consideration
Abstract FR:
Cette etude cherche a presenter la situation actuelle du tourisme congolais ainsi que les differentes perspectives pour l'ameliorer. Le congo dispose de nombreuses ressources naturelles et culturelles non exploitees. Pour mettre ces attraits touristique en valeur le gouvernement congolais doit rechercher des objectifs tendant a la satisfaction d'une clientele essentiellement europeenne, notamment la couverture globale du territoire en hebergement; l'accroissement des voies d'acces aux differents sites; le developpement des moyens d'information en direction de la clientele; la formation de personnels qualifies. Les perspectives a venir, dependent de la volonte du gouvernement de concretiser ou non les differents projets envisages. Une telle politique constitue le seul moyen permettant au tourisme congolais de passer du stade embryonnaire actuel a un epanouissement meilleur dans les annees a venir