La circulation maritime dans le detroit de malacca et ses effets sur la cote occidentale de la peninsule malaise
Abstract EN:
The strait of malacca is one of the busiest maritime passage in the world, and the western coast of the malay peninsula is connected to the maritime traffic of this region. Thus it provides a possible way to carry out a geographical analysis of a limited area and yet which is full of various landscapes and actors. The study looks upon the straits of malacca as a geosystem which is made up of three prevailing systems. The strait is situated in a regional and international economic background which can explain why and how the maritime traffic has expanded in such a spectacular way. An analysis of the maritime traffic (which includes the transverse movements) identifies the main users of this strait. Lastly, the physical environment is a determining and restricting factor for the choice of the sea routes. A first research line associates the important traffic of the strait with the effects noticed on the activities of the western coast of the malay peninsula : port industries, fishing, aquafarming and tourism. The second line is dedicated to the means used to improve the maritime traffic security. It has led us to create a rating for the risk of maritime pollution. After the comparison between the share of this pollution and those of continental and coastal origins, we have analysed the malaysian government management policy (administrative structures, political choices, diplomatic relationships. . . ) to see if it corresponded to the pollution issues. By analysing the spatial effects of the strait of malacca maritime traffic on the western coast of the malay peninsula, this thesis intends to give a method of geographical analysis wich can be applied to straits as well as to narrow maritime area.
Abstract FR:
Le detroit de malacca est l'un des passages les plus frequentes au monde. La cote occidentale de la peninsule malaise, en relation avec les faits de circulation maritime de cette region, permet de realiser une analyse geographique d'un espace restreint, mais riche en acteurs et en paysages. L'etude considere le detroit de malacca comme un geosysteme, compose de trois systemes dominants. Le contexte economique regional et international dans lequel se situe ce detroit permet d'expliquer pourquoi et comment le trafic maritime dans cette region s'est developpe de facon spectaculaire. L'analyse du systeme du trafic maritime (qui inclut la circulation transversale) identifie les principaux utilisateurs du detroits. Enfin, le milieu physique est un facteur determinant et limite le choix des routes maritimes. Un premier axe de recherche met en relation la forte frequentation du detroit et ses effets sur les activites de la cote occidentale de la peninsule malaise : (industries portuaires, peche, aquaculture et tourisme). Le second axe se consacre aux moyens mis en oeuvre pour ameliorer la securite de la circulation maritime. Il nous a conduit a la creation d'un indice de risque de pollution marine. Apres avoir compare la part de cette pollution aux pollutions d'origine continentale et littorale, nous avons analyse la politique malaisienne de gestion (structure administrative, choix politiques, relations diplomatiques. . . ), pour savoir si celle-ci repondait aux problemes de pollution. En analysant les effets spatiaux du trafic maritime du detroit de malacca sur la cote occidentale de la peninsule malaise, cette these propose une methode d'analyse geographique applicable aux detroits, ou a d'autres espaces maritimes etroits.