
Figuig (Maroc Oriental) : l'aménagement traditionnel et les mutations de l'espace oasien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Paris 1




Abstract EN:

Figuig, an oasis of the presaharian morocco, lies in the algeromorocco frontier region. In that oasis the historical heritage is long-lived, but at the same time it is now experiencing deep changes. The othor analysis the situation of the traditional organization of the oasis space and his changes. Geopolitical problems and the socio-economic transformations had involved changes of the cultivated space : circumscription of the agro-pastoral space and decline of the hydro-agricultural system; as well as the built space : the explosian of the traditional type of habitat, the ksar, inhabitants have given up living within the ksar and have chosen to live in new dwellings outside.

Abstract FR:

Figuig, oasis du maroc presaharien situee dans la region frontaliere algero-marocaine, subit le poids de l'histoire et connait des transformations profondes. L'auteur analyse la situation de l'amenagement traditionnel de l'espace oasien et ses transformations. Les problemes geopolitiques et les transformations socio-economiques ont entraine la mutation de l'espace cultive : circonscription de l'espace agro-pastoral et declin du systeme hydro-agricole, ainsi que celle de l'espace bati : l'eclatement du type d'habitat traditionnel, le ksar, phenomene qui s'exprime par l'abandon des maisons intra-muros au profit de nouvelles constructions extra-muros.