
Modernite et production du territoire

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

Producing territory, and city planning in particular, is becoming the exclusive right of specialists. This professionalization is no depoliticization and must be viewed as an increase in the division of labor of territorial production that science cannot legitimize all on its own. In the case of the united states, where the professionals' monopoly has become fairly autonomous, social engineering has promoted plebiscite, the construction of a public opinion and participation as additional legitimizing tools. In mexico and especially in slowly integrating poor settlements, the production of territory is a subject of struggles between varying factions, all striving to win the monopoly of keeping "local societies" under supervision in the name of competing rationalities. Case studies in the united states (city of west hollywood in the los angeles metropolis) and in mexico (chalco and cananea, in the metropolitan area of mexico city) illustrate that. They also describe both the territories involved and the relations between local society and territory. Territory is seen as a socializing medium, which structures the identity and world view of social groups. This allows us to understand what is at stake in its production. The rationalizing action of both the state and the professionals on the territory cannot but bear the stamp of the struggles it witnesses. Lastly, the considerable lengthening of the legitimization circuits has allowed some of the struggling parties to take part in the production of territory. Tegiumiang toote. Te menace ano espccm; to sio^ i^^t^poorselmemetite. Ttiepff^^ vasyvrq factions^ an steivtag te wto ttie ff>qbo|;ty og fcaei^fl ~'toca' seei<<l<r^bfl<lp siipe<wsteiin^iiaineofc<mn|n^^c^^ westho^woodte^i^aaort^mgiiopo^^^^^ metropottar. Ares o< mexico chy) mimamb ttat thgy ateo desa+; t>ottl^l8<^m invoived and the retomoos bctm^en tocal socie^ a^l tgg+q;y. Ten^gy is s^> as^a 90cfafeiiigffl+lium,^nchs&iicte^^i^^ us to wkteralanci what fe^ at slate ^ te pre^i^on. Tho +aonafeing acfioft <rf bottt ttr sug and +iepff>fessionalsqn+ieteff+orycamottent bear the sla>!y^theslrog^estt^toiesg+ ljgt;. Me+msiaef^>tetengtlw^of^te^^^^<^^ c*n+nniinn nartia< tn iate aaft in the droductjon of territory.

Abstract FR:

La production du territoire, et l'urbanisme en particulier, deviennent graduellement l'apanage de specialistes. Cette professionnalisation, qui n'est pas une "depolitisation", est vue comme un approfondissement de la division du travail de la production territoriale ou la science comme mode de legitimation ne suffit pas entierement. Dans le cas des etats-unis ou le monopole professionnel a acquis une certaine autonomie, l'ingenierie sociale lui ajoute le plebiscite, la production d'une opinion publique, la participation. Au mexique, la production du territoire, en particulier en quartiers peripheriques urbains pauvres en cours d'integration, fait l'objet de diverses factions visant a s'assurer le monopole de l'encadrement des societes locales au nom de differentes rationalites. Les etudes de cas a west hollywood (etats-unis) d'une part, chalco et cananea (banlieues de mexico) de l'autre, decrivent, outre ces phenomenes, les territoires concernes et les rapports qu'entretiennent avec eux les "societes locales". Le territoire est vu comme un media socialisant, structurant donc la representation et l'identite des groupes sociaux, ce qui nous permet de comprendre les enjeux qui se cristallisent autour de sa production. L'action rationalisante de l'etat et des professionnels sur le territoire est elle-meme marquee par les specificites des luttes dont il fait l'objet. Enfin, le rallongement des circuits de legitimation incorpore en partie certains protagonistes de ces luttes a la production territoriale.