
La transmission des exploitations agricoles : les cas de l'albigeois du segala et du gaillacois

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

The study of the handing down of farms gives greater importance to the approche of the family as an institution. In fact the family farm must be studied from the point of view of the links between the farm itself - as a unit of development of a network of land and the technical resources - and the family - defined as a value system which strengthens the bonds between the members of the family - : the farm/family nexus will determine the way the farm will be handed down to the next generation. We have classified farmers into three groups according to the strategie adopted - defined as the degree of involvement in the modernization of the equipment - in order to defined the link between the two main components of the family farm : the way the farm develops depends on this link. Indeed the modernization of agriculture, along with the cultural transformation of the agricultural world, constitute the "backdrop" for processes concerned with the handing down of farms which usually span a great number of years. Under these conditions the survival of the demise of the correspondence between the "development" of the farm and the evolution of family values will entail the success or failure of the handing down. For this symbiotic relationship between the farm and the family depends on the familial dimension of the handing down of the farm.

Abstract FR:

Notre etude de la transmission des exploitations agricoles privilegie l'approche par la famille. L'exploitation familiale doit effectivement etre apprehendee a partir des relations qu'entretiennent l'exploitation - unite de valorisation d'un systeme de ressources (foncieres, techniques,. . . ) - et la famille - systeme de valeurs qui fondent le lien familial - : l'articulation exploitation - famille determine son type de transmission. Nous avons differencie les agriculteurs en trois classes selon la strategie (force de l'engagement dans la modernisation de l'exploitation) suivie afin de definir cette articulation entre les deux constituants de l'exploitation familiale : le parcours de l'exploitation en depend. En effet, la modernisation de l'agriculture constitue avec la mutation culturelle du monde agricole la "toile de fond" des processus de transmission des exploitations agricoles construits dans le long terme. Dans ces conditions, le maintien ou non de l'adequation entre le "developpement" du systemes de ressources et l'evolution des valeurs familiales decidera de la reussite ou de l'echec de la transmission. Car cette symbiose du couple exploitation-famille se resume dans la dimension patrimoniale de l'exploitation.