
Contribution a l'etude du developpement de la peche artisanale dans la region nord-ouest du maroc

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990





Abstract EN:

The craft fishing industry of the north west morrocan coast area has got not inconsiderable fishing ressources but these are difficult to exploit because of : - an inhospitable coast which is often rocky and well known for its havens of grounding on which many boats run aground (rabat, sale, mehdia. . . ) - a rudimentary fleet - the presence of unqualified fishermen. Despite all this, it takes part into the economic and social developments of the region with 16,000 to 22,000 tuns of fish unloaded each year and 5000 actually working fishermen. That is the reason why the development of the region becomes more and more necessary in particular through better harbour equipments, the development of the shipbuilding industry, the improvement of marketing networks and road substructures and eventually through the professionnal trainintgh of men.

Abstract FR:

La peche artisanale du secteur cotier du nord-ouest marocain detient des ressources halieutiques non negligeables, mais difficiles a exploiter a cause : -d'une cote inhospitaliere. Elle est souvent rocheuse et connue par ses havres d'echouage (rabat, sale, mehdia. . . ) - d'une flotille rudimentaire - de la presence de pecheurs sans formation professionnelle. Malgre tout, elle participe au developpement economique et social de la region avec 16 000 t a 22 000 t debarquees annuellement et 5 000 pecheurs actifs. C'est la raison pour laquelle son developpement s'impose par un effort d'equipement portuaire, le developpement de la construction navale, l'amelioration des circuits de commercialisation, celui des infrastructures routieres et la formation des hommes.