Lire, comprendre, traduire un texte latin. Les processus psycholinguistiques d'apprentissage d'une langue ancienne
Abstract EN:
In order to comply with mixed ability classes, the renewal of exercises and approaches has been mainly supported by experience, rarely backed up by theoretical references and not often extended by assessments. With the help of thecontext created by the setting-up of new curriculum developments which enhance the access to literature at the very beginning of the learning stage, we have measured the observable skills in reading activities. The theoretical and methodological contributions of science education structure the process which also appeals to psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology and research on translating. Texts that were handed out to many "collegiens" and "lyceens" have led to a corpus of written productions on which we base the analyses : reminders, questionnaires, translations. From this, is emerges that the tasks of comprehension and translation cannot overlap, and that the procedures appealing to the strategies based on grammatical knowledge are not the most efficient. Translating does not generally appear as the most profitable means to elaborate a perception of meaning. On the other hand, the procedures open to the reminders, or guided by the questionnaires seem to work. However, the situation varies with the type of text and the learner's degree of expertise. The beginners tend to focus their discovery more on the language facts, whereas the more advanced students refer to the effects of meaning. The texts complying with canonical patterns are better apprehended than those whose understanding is concealed by rhetorical devices. Moreover, understanding mainly depends on the student's skills in his mother tongue, and his metadiscursive abilities. Pedagogical suggestions are put forward : to emphasize the practice of a functional approach
Abstract FR:
Pour repondre a la diversite et a l'heterogeneite des eleves, le renouvellement des exercices et des approches s'est appuye principalement sur l'experience, rarement soutenue par des references theoriques et peu souvent prolongee par des evaluations. A la faveur du contexte cree par la mise en place de nouveaux programmes qui valorisent l'acces a la litterature des le debut de l'apprentissage, nous avons mesure les competences observable dans les activites de lecture de textes. Les apports theoriques et methodologiques des sciences de l'education cadrent la demarche qui fait aussi appel a la psycholinguistique, a la psychologie cognitive et aux travaux sur la traduction. Des tests diffuses aupres d'un large public de collegiens et lyceens, ont donne lieu a un corpus de productions ecrites sur lequel nous fondons les analyses : rapprls, questionnaires, traductions. Il en ressort que les taches de comprehension et de traduction ne sont pas superposables, et quelles procedures mobilisant les strategies fondees sur les connaissances grammaticales ne sont ps les plus efficaces. Generalement la traduction n'apparait pas le moyen le plus rentable pour elaborer une perception du sens. En revanche, les procedures ouvertes des rappels, ou guidees des questionnaires semblent operationnelles. Toutefois, la situation varie selon le type de texte et le degre d'expertise de l'apprenant. Les debutants centrent plus volontiers leur decouverte sur les faits de langue, tandis que les plus avances font reference aux effets de sens. Les textes repondant a des schemas canoniques sont