
Étude des grandes sècheresses et leurs impacts au Maroc

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Paris 4




Abstract EN:

Morocco is particularly concerned with its climatic particularities. In fact, even though Moroccans are aware and also endure the permanent and seasonal droughts, they don't take into considerations the probably risks of great droughts which could be very dangerous to the populations. The reason behind this is that such droughts may occur even during rainy seasons. Thus, this study is about Moroccan climatic anomalies. In order to understand such anomalies, we have discussed the particularity of water's problems in morocco and have presented different definitions and types of droughts in morocco. In addition to this, we have analyzed the 1980-85 period which was qualified as the great risky droughts. The analysis was based on a discussion of the following points: rain variability; length of drought and rainy sequences; water balance; atmospheric circulation; ocean water temperature's anomalies; north and south Atlantic oscillations and the probability of occurrence of great risky droughts. As far as what concerns the end of the research it examines the effects of those anomalies on water resources and on man's activities particularly in the agricultural domain.

Abstract FR:

Du fait de sa position géographique, le Maroc est sujet à différents types de sécheresses. Si l'homme s'est adapté avec les sécheresses systématiques, les grandes sécheresses aléatoires sont un risque climatique qui lui pose encore de graves problèmes. Dans cette étude qui tente la compréhension de ces anomalies, nous avons examiné les caractéristiques du problème de l'eau au Maroc. Cependant, après l'identification des grandes sécheresses, nous avons entamé une analyse de celles-ci, en se basant sur l'exemple de la grande sécheresse 1980-1985. Cette analyse a concerné les points suivants: les définitions de sécheresses; la variabilité pluviométrique, la durée des séquences sèches et humides; le bilan hydrique, les types de circulation atmosphérique; l'oscillation australe: l'oscillation nord atlantique et l'occurrence des années de grandes sécheresses. Enfin, nous examinons les effets de ces anomalies sur l'eau, sur l'homme et sur ses activités socio-économiques.