
Les comportements symboliques dans la genese de la representation chez l'enfant

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

The study aims at an analysis of the symbolic behaviors in the genesis of child representation throughout their second year. According to wallon the symbolic aptitude is the splitting's capability in finding to an object his representation and at his representation a symbol mark. The transition from symbol mark is materialized into imitation and semblance. By indelder, lezine, sinclair and stambak's experience, where the child is situated in front of usual objects the first research consists in setting out the steps of the sensorimotor behavior and to point out through the sensitive orientation behaviors, the premise of symbolic behaviors and to study language as symbolic behavior. By continued observation of eighteen to twentynine months old child, the second research consists in point out, in the imitation genesis when the representation beggins to draw up, to study the semblance's evolution as a representation prelude, the fictive plays evolution and language's development. The results show a differenciation between activities and handled objects throughout their use, after the child uses correctly the objects. Between thirteen and sixteen months, the glance's child unfollowing up action on the objects operate like preludes of symbolic behaviors. This experience is situated on perceptive level, the object is used as signal and not as concept because it must be situated at the representative level. There is a breaking between the intelligence of situations and conceptual intelligence. At seventeen months : the postponed imitation occurs : dissociation between object's image and child's attitude : there is representation the semblance is a genetic way between imitation and representation the substitution occurs at eigheen months in the fictive plays. The language means the evocation of absent objects at seventeen months.

Abstract FR:

L'etude a pour objet l'analyse des comportements symboliques dans la genese de la representation chez l'enfant au cours de la deuxieme annee. Selon wallon, l'aptitude symbolique est la capacite de dedoublement : de trouver a un objet sa representation et a sa representation un signe. Le passage au signe se realise par l'imitation et le simulacre. A partir de l'experience d'inhelder, lezine, sinclair et stambak ou l'enfant est place en face d'objets usuels, la premiere recherche consiste a retracer la hierarchie des conduites sensori-motrices et de degager parmi les comportements d'orientation sensorielle les premisses aux comportements symboliques, d'etudier le langage comme comportement symbolique. Par l'observation continue d'un enfant de dix-sept a vingt neuf mois, la deuxieme recherche consiste : a determiner dans la genese de l'imitation a quel moment la representation se formule, a etudier l'evolution du simulacre comme prelude a la representation, l'evolution des jeux de fiction et du langage. Les resultats montrent une differenciation entre activites et objets manipules en fonction de leur usage, puis l'enfant utilise correctement les objets. Entre treize et seize mois, les regards de l'enfant non suivis d'action sur les objets agissent comme preludes aux comportements symboliques. Cette experience se situe au niveau perceptif : l'objet est utilise comme signal et non comme concept car il faudrait se placer au niveau representatif. Il y a coupure entre l'intelligence des situations et conceptuelle. A dix-sept mois l'imitation differee apparait dissociation entre image de l'objet et attitude : il y a representation. Le simulacre est un intermediaire genetique entre imitation et representation. La substitution devient manifeste a dix-huit mois dans les jeux fictifs. Le langage devient evocateur a dix-sept mois.