
Intervention et interactions dans une institution en grece

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

The object of our research was an internal intervention in order to study the communication's phenomena and the process of interactions in this institutions. The institution's function was to place here children of preschool age of both sexes and adolescent girls up to 18, for social reasons. The project of our intervention was to improve the interactions and the communication inside the institution between the staff group and the groups of children and adolescents. Our intervention project was settled in order to meet the expressed needs through acion on the institution's structure, free expression on the institutional non-sayings, development of creativity of persons who lived or worked in the institution, and the interaction between the institution and its entourage world. The communication phenomena and interactions studied in the institution were the foundation of our research. The psychotherapeutic and sociotherapeutic project has utilized metacommunication and interaction as instruments able to bring changes in the institution. On this basis was studied the process of improvement in communication realised inside the institution through our intervention.

Abstract FR:

Notre recherche avait pour objet une intervention interne pour etudier les phenomenes de communication et le processus d interaction dans cette institution. L institution fonctionnait pour le placement des enfants de l age scolaire des deux sexes et des adolescentes jusqu a l age de 18 ans pour raisons sociales. Notre intervention avait comme projet l amelioration des interactions et de la communication dans l institution entre le groupe du personnel et les groupes des enfants et des adolescents. Notre projet d intervention etait constitue pour repondre aux besoins exprimes par l action sur la structure de l institution, la liberation d expression sur le non-dit institutionnel, le developpement de la creativite des individus qui vivaient ou travailaient dans l institution, et l interaction entre l institution et le monde qui l entouraient. Les phenomemes de communication et d interactions etudies dans l institution etaient les fondements de notre recherche. Le projet psychotherapeutique et sociotherapeutique a utilise la metacommunication et l interaction comme instrument capable de provoquer des changements dans l institution. Sur cette base etait etudie le processus d amelioration de la communication effectue dans l institution par notre intervention.