
Metamorphose et continuite d'une fonction. De l'image du surveillant general a celle du conseiller d'education

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986





Abstract EN:

A new function which, moreover, constitutes one of the originalities of our educational system, the charge of counsellor in matters of education is not always free from ambiguities. Through the historical evocation where the caricatural figure of the "surge" (1) stands out, through the lively tales of varied experiences it is a defense and illustration of this category of education that will be found in these pages. Under the many everyday - maybe unnoticed tasks, will take shape an office intended for the human being as a whole, and for the responsability of creativy this "connective tissue" surrounding the psychological act and linking it to other similar ones. The very extent of this venture and its diversity require the counsellor to encompass the whole sphere of the school life and to think about the the very nature of the educational act. Yet one question remains, which is fundamental. How can one be a counsel- lor in a school ? which theoric can be give access to, nedded by the young ? this study is an attempt to answer, putting forward the hypothesis that the counsellor was born out of a theoritical vacuum, which in spite of the accuracy of the tasks, has bred a universal abstraction of the notion of mission, indeterminable because of the silence of the theory. One cannot be a counsellor without having a theory about school. (1) nickname given to the monitor in chief by the pupils.

Abstract FR:

Fonction assez nouvelle et qui, au surplus, constitue une des originalites de notre systeme educatif, la fonction de conseiller d'education n'est pas toujours exempte d'ambiguites. A travers l'evocation historique, ou passe la silhouette caricaturale du "surge", a travers les recits vivants d'experiences variees, c'est une "defense" et illustration de cette categorie d'educateurs que l'on trouvera dans ces pages. Sous la menue monnaie des taches quotidiennes, on verra se dessiner une fonction de haute responsabilite qui s'adresse a la "globalite des etres" et a la charge de creer "ce tissu conjonctif qui entoure l'acte pedagogique et le relie aux autres semblables". L'ampleur meme de cette entreprise et sa diversite obligent le conseiller a embrasser tout le champ de la vie scolaire et a reflechir sur la nature meme de l'acte educatif. Toutefois, une question demeure : elle est fondamentale. Comment etre conseiller (principal) d'education dans un etablissement d'enseignement? a quel theorique peut-il faire acceder ce qu'il faut appeler des eleves ? ce travail est un essai de reponse en emettant l'hypothese que le conseiller (principal) d'education est ne d'un vide theorique qui, malgre la precision des taches, a engendre l'universel abstrait de la notion de mission, indeterminable en raison du silence de la theorie. On ne peut etre conseiller sans theorie de l'ecole.