Projet pour le developpement economique de l'olympe
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The 80% of the total area of greece is mountainous and semimountainous. From the early 60' s a considerable movement of the rural population to other areas of greece and europe was observed. Although, the rate of this movement was decreased during the 80' and the present dacage, it is a fact that the mountainous area of greece are underdeveloped, almost deserted and marginaliged. The area of mount "olympos", at the center of the greece mainland presents the same characteristics with the rest of the greek moyntainous regions and it is the objective of the present research. The researches dealing with the study of the present situation of the area (population, social-life, economy, local resources eh) and with the possible means to develop the area. The area has the advantage to include a world femous monument the mount "olympos". The study concbudes that the economic development of the area sould be based on the modernization of the present economic activities and the introduction of new activities as the rural tourism and winder sports tourism which will assist in the exploitation of the naturat monument, the historical and caltural inherited and the mythological aspects of the mount "olympos". The study of the "olympos" area is not a typical study of any greek mountainous area, due to it special characteristics and so it can not be a prototype for the development studies greek regions.
Abstract FR:
En grece 80% de la surface totale appartient aux zones montagneuses et semi-montagneuses. Des le debut de la decennie 1960, ces zones connaissent un fort exode rural. Malgre le ralentissement de ce mouvement, les zones difficiles de la grece sont liees au sous-developpement economique, le marasme l'abandon et la marginalisation. La region de l'olympe au centre du pays qui n'echappe pas a ces cateristiques a constitue la region d'etude de notre recherche. Son but etait l'etude de la situation economique et sociale actuelle des villages de l'elaboration d'un projet qui permettra le developpement economique de la region avec l'emergence du monument historique qui s'appelle "olympe". L'etude propose que le developpement economique peut se realiser par la modernisation des activites existantes ainsi que l'introduction de nouvelles comme l'agrotourisme et la creation de ski. Elles valorisent et emergeront les ressources naturelles, l'heritage culturel, l'histoire et la mythologie qu'offre en abondance la montagne de l'olympe. Les resultats de cet etude ne peuvent pas pour toutes les zones montagneuses du pays. Pourtant l'etude de la region de l'olympe constitue un cas exemplaire d'interventions envisagees qui ont but son developpement economique.