
Identite reunionaise, analyse geopolitique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

Because of its multiethnical population and political status, reunion island is characterized for a long time by a high complexity involving more and more points of interrogation about identity. Situed in the indian ocean, reunion island has always been french. In 1946, the new territorial organization bringing the island closer to france that created administrative department put an en to the status of colony. This started radical transformations but this gave unegal results that might have reinforced contradictions. Social disparities are still very intense and economic development is still uncertain. The point is to analyse, from a geopolitical point of view, the identity of a multicultural population porn between its close environment and its far distant mother country, moreover facing many changes. So the reunion state is note studied only through various types of phenomenons that come under social, economic, cultural or political criteria but also through different levels of spatial and historical analysis. Considering this identity currently recognized in its diversity and to not longer oppose the island's double links one to the geographic region in which it lies and the other, of a political nature, to france- should allow a new approach to the development of the island and of people who live there.

Abstract FR:

Depuis longtemps, la reunion se caracterise par une grande complexite qui s'exprime de plus en plus souvent dans les interrogations sur l'identite, complexite due a la fois a la composition multiethnique de sa population et a son statut politique. En effet, situee dans l'ocean indien, la reunion a toujours ete une ile francaise. La departementalisation de 1946, qui la rapproche de la metropole en mettant fin a sa statut de colonie, a ete a l'origine de transformations radicales mais a eu des resultats inegaux qui ont parfois rencforce les contradictions. Les inegalites sociales sont toujours tres fortes et le developpement economique est encore incertain. Il s'agit donc de cerner, a partir de l'analyse geopolitique, l'identite d'une population pluriculturelle, partagee entre son environnement immediat et la metropole et confrontee a de multiples changements. La situation reunionnaise est ainsi etudiee non seulement a travers diverses categories de phenomenes qui relevent du social, de l'economique, du culturel ou du politique mais encore selon differents niveaux d'analyse spatiale et historique. Prendre en compte cette identite aujourd'hui reconnue dans sa pluralite, ne plus opposer les deux appartenances -politique et geographique- de la reunion sont de nouvelles orientations susceptibles de favoriser une autre approche du developpement de cette ile et de ceux qui y vivent.