La ville et le port : le réaménagement des espaces portuaires délaissés : les cas de Gênes, Naples et Trieste
Paris 12Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The theme of the spatial and functional redevelopment of former docklands-along with the inactive industrial areas associated with them-and the promotion of the neighbouring districts constitute two of the principal concerns of town planning today. The city-port interface is currently the scene of gigantic,and frequently praised,redevelopment operations such as boston,toronto,london or rotterdam. First observed in north america in the 1960s,and in the northern part of western europe in the early 1980s,this 'waterfront redevelopment' phenomenon seems to have extended its influence around the world,subject to the effects of the numerous filters of an economic,cultural or political nature. Genoa,naples and trieste have only recently been affected by the waterfront redevelopment phenomenon and have focused their attention more generally on the future of the city-port relationship. The decline or transformation of the port and related port and industrial functions has substantially disrupted the economic and social structures of these three cities. They have consequently taken steps to regenerate their territory by acting on all the various elements comprising it. After a retrospective study of the city-port relationship and an examination of the different levels of impaired functioning currently observed,our aim is to analyse the redevelopment operations completed or still in the planning stage,to appraise their urbanistic and socio-economic impact and to identify the
Abstract FR:
Le theme du reamenagement spatial et fonctionnel des ports anciens,des friches industrielles associees et la requalification des quartiers avoisinants figurent parmi les preoccupations majeures de l'urbanisme contemporain. L'interface ville-port est aujourd'hui le lieu de gigantesques operations,maintes fois celebrees comme boston, toronto,londres,rotterdam. Observe des les annees 1960 en amerique du nord et au debut des annees 1980 en europe nord occidentale,ce phenomene de "waterfront redevelopment" semble s'etre diffuse a travers le monde,subissant les effets des multiples filtres economiques,culturels ou politiques. Genes,naples et trieste,sont touches depuis peu par ce phenomene de reconquete de front d'eau et s'interrogent de facon generale sur l'evolution du couple ville-port. En effet,le declin ou la mutation des fonctions portuaires et industrielles qui lui sont associees,ont profondement bouleverse les structures economiques et sociales de ces trois villes. Aussi se sont-elles engagees dans des actions de regeneration de leur territoire en agissant sur l'ensemble de ses composantes. Apres une vue retrospective des relations ville-port et la lecture des differents niveaux du dysfonctionnement actuel, il s'agit d'analyser les operations realisees ou en projet,d'en evaluer les impacts tant urbanistiques que socio-economiques et d'en saisir les mecanismes decisionnels.