La population rurale du maroc oriental
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
History and geography have made of east region of morocco one of the most original and paradoxical regions of morocco. Its originality is mainly due to its excentricity and to its relative isolation as to the great centres of economical and political decisions of the morocco. Its paradoical character results from its situation as a border region. The problem of this region is raised more accutely today than in the past. We examine here the reasons and both the structural and geopolitical factors which east region of morocco seems to have regained now adays.
Abstract FR:
L'histoire et la geographie ont fait de la region orientale l'une des regions les plus originales et les plus paradoxales du maroc. Son originalite est due principalement a son isolement relatif par rapport aux grands centres de decision economique et politique du maroc. Son caractere paradoxal lui vient de sa situation de region frontiere. Le probleme d'integration de la region orientale est pose aujourd'hui avec plus d'acuite que par le passe. Nous examinons ici les raisons et les facteurs tant structurels que purement geopolitiques qui justifient le nouvel interet dont la region orientale semble faire l'objet actuellement.