Relation ecole - entreprise et perspective educative : discours d'enseignants. enquete qualitative aupres des etablissements publics de formation initiale. privas ardeche 1985 - 1988
Université Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The research takes into account the opinions expressed by teachers concerning a current issue : the relations between schools and businesses. Twenty teachers in state-owned primary and secondary teaching establishments were interviewed in 1985 and 1986. It is made up three parts : - the first sets out the methodology employed in the whole research. - the second analyses the results of interviews carried out in three areas : * the image attached to the business world *the education of schoolgoers (in particular concerning the contribution made by the business world to school life) *the educational institution and in particular the modifications that should be encouraged in order to further the relat school and businesses. - the third, after having drawn its conclusions, follows up some additional lines of thought, such as the necessity of further developing the links between the school and the world of e the changes that this will entail within the educational system.
Abstract FR:
La recherche rend compte du discours d'enseignants sur un probleme d'actualite : la relation ecole - entreprises. Vingt professeurs des etablissements publics de formation initiale (college, lycee, lycee professionnel) ont ete interviewes a privas en 1985 et 1986. Elle comprend trois parties : - la premiere presente la demarche methodologique d'ensemble. - la deuxieme analyse le contenu des entretiens dans trois directions : * l'image de l'entreprise * la formation des jeunes (notamment par rapport a l'entree de l'entreprise dans l'ecole) * l'institution scolaire (en particulier quelles transformations promouvoir pour faire progresser la relation ecole-entreprise). - la troisieme, apres avoir degage les conclusions, trace quelques perspectives, comme la necessite de developper davantage dans l'avenir, les liens entre l'ecole et le monde economique, et les changements que cela implique au sein du systeme scolaire.