
Bidonvilles et opérations de recasement à Casablanca : le cas de Ben M'Sick - Sidi Othman (étude socio-géographique et cartographique)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992






Abstract EN:

The shantytown which appeared in casablanca during the twenties gave rise to the refusal and the forcing of the authority. After its official recognition, it had a long history of rehabilitation. As ben m'sick sidi othman is the district with the greatest shantytowns in casablanca with the most important rehabilitation processes on the level of the metropolis, it represents a significant example of urbanistic changements took place in casablanca during the eighties. On the other hand, this district favours a field of investigation on the rehabilitation of shantytowns throughout three big operations: moulay rachid, al massira and sidi moumen. These three operation of rehabilitation are locared differently on the urban plan; a difference determined by the date of realization of operation, its size, its geographical situation, its administrative framing etc. On the social plan, the shantytowns'populations who rehabilitate in these cities are found with a transitory phasis between the shantytown's inheritence which stresses their under integration (precariousness of employment, feebleness of incame), and the actual dynamic of cities which encourage their integration for the urban life (housing, social and urban equipments).

Abstract FR:

Le bidonville qui apparut a casablanca durant les annees 20 suscita le refus et le refoulement de la part des piouvoirs publics. Apres sa reconnaissance officielle, il fit l'objet d'une longue histoire de recasement. Comme elle est la prefecture la plus bidonvilisee de casablanca et qu'elle connait les operations de recasement les plus interessantes au niveau de la metropole, ben m'sick sidi othman represente un exemple significatif des changements urbanistiques intervenus a casablanca durant les annees 80. Par ailleurs, cette prefecture favorise, par excellence, un champ d'investigation sur le recasement des bidonvilles a travers trois grandes operations: moulay rachid, al massira et sidi othman. Ces trois operations de recasement se situent differemment sur le plan urbain difference determinee par la date de realisation de l'operation, sa taille, sa situation geographique, ses equipements, son encadrement administratif, etc. Sur le plan social, les populations bidonvilloises recasees dans ces cites se trouvent dans une phase transitoire entre l'heritage du bidonville qui accentue leur sous-integration, precarite des emplois, faiblesses des revenus et la dynamique actuelle des cites qui encourage leur integration a la vie urbaine, logement en dur, equipements sociaux et urbains, etc.