
L'organisation de l'espace regional dans le sud-ouest du congo brazzaville

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994






Abstract EN:

The organization of the regional space in the south-west of congo-brazzaville is examined from a double point of view reflecting the dichtomy of the congolese geography. On one hand, the rural space is structured by and connected with sociospatal units where the determinist thesis is forcibly in action. On the other hand, the urban space dominates the regional space and the former is partially superposed on sociospatial units linked with rural space. However, in their task to control the entire space, the public authorities were obliged to favour the emergence of a secondary urban centre network meant to restabilize the two large metropolises and to function as the embryo of a regionalization based not on natural units but on natural resources which help along the creation of more active centres.

Abstract FR:

L'organisation de l'espace regional dans le sud-ouest du congo brazzaville est envisage sous un angle double fonde sur dichotomie de l'espace congolais. D'une part l'espace rural est structure autour d'unites socio-spatiales dans lesquelles la these deterministe intervient fortement. D'autre part, l'espace urbain polarise fortement l'espace regional et se superpose partiellement aux unites socio-spatiales reconnues dans l'espace rural. Cependant le souci de controler la totalite de l'espace a conduit les pouvoirs publics a favoriser l'emergence d'un reseau de centres urbains secondaires destine a reequilibrer les deux grandes metropoles mais aussi a etre les embryons d'une regionalisation fondee non sur les unites naturelles mais sur les richesses naturelles qui sont a la base de la creation des centres les plus actifs.